The Services

Financial Therapy Session

Ready to take back financial control? Sabotaging behaviour around money stems from negative beliefs, like ‘I’m not worthy, It's not available to me, I don't deserve it'. This is the missing piece for many of my clients.

By utilising RTT with hypnosis to communicate with the subconscious mind (the feeling mind) most issues can be resolved with one session.

I work with your unique beliefs and blocks about money and transform them.

Financial Therapy Session
  • It is a two-hour session and one-hour review session.
  • The subconscious mind controls beliefs and behaviour.
  • This session is focused on the past.
  • Most beliefs are held deep in the subconscious.
  • As a clinical hypnotherapist I access those beliefs and establish why, when and how they were formed.
  • Once identified we eliminate negative or un-resourceful beliefs by restructuring perception, that in turn changes the behaviour, that changes your outcome.
  • Sometimes there are multiple issues to deal with. In this case we take the most important issues first.

Your new financial future is a decision away. Book Now!


General Practice Therapy Session

You believe that you can improve your life.

Negative behaviours you may recognise in yourself and desire to change.

  • Un-resourceful beliefs
  • Depression
  • Lack of self-trust
  • Procrastinating
  • Lack of financial literacy
  • Low self-worth
  • Limiting Behaviour
  • Money Blocks
  • Career, Relationships or Health.
  • Emotional spending Instant gratification
  • Fearful of making a decision

You want to improve your life. It may be, for example, around addiction, limiting behaviour, anxiety, career, depression, relationships or health. I utilise hypnosis to communicate with the subconscious mind and identify the issues. Any negative beliefs are cleared to resolve the issue that has been identified, and a bespoke audio is created to "wire-in" new positive beliefs.

Your future self will thank you. Book Now!

General Practice Therapy Session

Coaching Therapy

In a coaching session I work with you and your fabulous 'solutions orientated' conscious mind.

Coaching Therapy

We create a strategy to ensure lasting positive changes in your life.

  • It is a powerful one-hour session.
  • It involves a conversation with the conscious mind (the logic mind)
  • The session is focused in the present and in the future.
  • We identify your goals, skills & decision-making processes.
  • I work with you to create a strategy and we develop an action plan.
  • I guide, inspire and support you through the whole process.

You don’t have to do it all alone!


Money Makeover Course

This course is an on-line, self-directed program where you progress at your own pace and in your own time.

Time to start, it is easier than you think.

Money Makeover Course

We create a strategy to ensure lasting positive changes in your life.

  • Money EQ explores your money attitude and behaviours. Are they yours or were they passed on from family or friends?
  • Money IQ deals with the practical aspects of money including budgeting, financial goals, timeframes, investment choices & characteristics & risk mitigation and;
  • Money Blocks: using the RTT method we uncover limiting, outdated beliefs that can negatively impact lives, manifesting in feelings including hopelessness, being an imposter, anxiety, and depression.

You gain the knowledge and skills for your financial future. A series of videos and workbooks will educate and empower you to build your money repertoire, your money competence, and your confidence with money. The course culminates in you creating your financial strategy. You create your own financial plan!

Time to start, it is easier than you think. Buy Now!


Money Makeover Course + Therapy Program

The Money Makeover + Therapy combines all elements of the Money Makeover Course with coaching and transformational Therapy Sessions with Jan.

1. Money Makeover Course

  • Money EQ explores your money attitude and behaviours.
  • Money IQ deals with the practical aspects of money including budgeting, financial goals, timeframes, investment choices & characteristics & risk mitigation and;
  • Money Blocks: using the RTT method we uncover limiting, outdated beliefs.

2. Financial Therapy

  • Transformation session with Jan. You will be empowered by Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) using clinical hypnotherapy techniques and tools.
  • Coaching session with Jan. Jan will work with your ‘solutions orientated’ conscious mind. We identify your goals, skills and decision-making processes around money. Then we create a bespoke strategy to ensure lasting positive changes in your life.

3. Support

  • I am here as a valuable resource for you. Call, email or text your question to me.
Money Makeover Course + Therapy Program

The program runs over 12 weeks. You can choose to upgrade from the Money Makeover Course to the more comprehensive Money Makeover + Therapy. You need only pay the difference between the two programs.

Your new financial future is a decision away. Book Now!

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